Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

PNG Leadership and Mindset Transformation Workshop

On April 27th, 2024, the Pacific-Australia Youth Association (PAYA), in collaboration with the Papua New Guinea PAYA Family Committee, hosted an inspiring one-day Engagement Workshop with the theme “Leadership and Mindset Transformation.” Held at the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) Annex Building, this event brought together 30 enthusiastic participants from 9 AM to 4 PM, creating a vibrant space for learning, inspiration, and growth.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

A Glimpse of Grief and Perseverance

With my family’s support, my faith and surrounding myself with the right circle of individuals I successfully completed my studies in 2019 obtaining a Bachelor’s in Human Resource Management minoring in Communications Design (Digital Marketing). Having my family journey with me until attaining this achievement is a blessing and I am grateful for their continuous love and support in my personal and professional development today.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Guåhan but not Forgotten: Regional Programs Connect Australian and Micronesian Youth

Working with PAYA has opened many exciting doors that I couldn’t have possibly imagined just 16 months ago. One of the most rewarding experiences was the opportunity to represent PAYA and Australia at the United States Department of State’s Young Pacific Leaders Conference in Guåhan (Guam) in April 2023. Joining 45 young leaders from across 20 countries and territories opened my eyes to the history and cultural beauty of island communities across our Blue Pacific.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

The Power of Social Media for Collective Positive Action

Growing up in a place like Kaintiba is not everyone’s cup of tea, and I am sure other Papua New Guineans will relate in one way or another. Being a village girl, I saw education as a way out, an opportunity, to explore the world outside of Kaintiba. My childhood was mad: being chased by bees through an old garden, jumping off rocks at riverbanks into the pool only to realize the pool is not deep enough and now I have to nurse my bruised knees and twisted arm, falling into ditches with bilum full of sweet potatoes because my Mum and I were too busy harvesting sweet potatoes from the garden.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Reflections of a Health Worker, Youth. Hopes for her country: PNG

Like any country in its youth, we have a lot to learn even though we have come a long way. I have lived all my life in my beloved Papua New Guinea and understand the many facets that limit us of opportunities to be better. For instance, I am today, years old, and still cannot remember a time in history when the phrase “under resourced health sector” was NOT an understatement. 

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Lukim Yu Vanuatu: Josiah’s Island Experience

From December 2022 to July 2023, I was living in Vanuatu, a small island developing state in the South Pacific, thanks to the Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan Scholarship Program. I reflect on the vital lessons learnt during studying, working, socialising, and living in Vanuatu.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

My Nauru Story: Lessons of the Past - Looking to the Future

From a young age I was taught by my elders the importance of history, tradition and faith. Their lessons became my guide as I navigated my way around this vast and unpredictable ocean called life. When at times I was faced with adversity, or had difficult decisions to make, I always based my actions on the principles that were taught to me.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Nurturing Dreams in Paradise: A Tale of Tahitian Entrepreneurship

My story begins with my family, which has deep roots in the Polynesian territory. My maternal family is an ancient royal family of Tahiti, and my paternal family is a Chinese family of restaurateurs who have been established on the island for a very long time. In addition to that, I have had the privilege of always living with my parents and my younger brother in our house on the hill of Pamatai, from which you can observe the port of Papeete.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

The Global Voyage – Navigating My Identity

For as long as I could remember, I knew that I was a Samoan. My parents were both of Samoan background, I understood Samoan well, I communicated with my grandmother in the Samoan language, I attended a Samoan church, I ate Samoan foods and I danced the traditional Samoan dance. I was confident in doing all these things before the age of 5.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

PAYA Finds First Corporate Partnership

PAYA has grown so much over the past two years and we are very grateful to our entire family who has supported us along the way! Recently, our Co-Directors, Janice and Dominic were able to finalise an agreement with Ferguson Consultants Group as our first-ever corporate partner!

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Tonga and Australia: Opportunities for Collaboration

Nestled in Polynesia and numbering over 170 islands, many uninhabited, the Kingdom of Tonga has a long history with Australia. With a population of around 107,000 people, Tonga’s unique constitutional monarchy is over 1000 years old.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Improving the Provision of Basic Education Services in Papua New Guinea

Aviamp–Pikus Elementary School in Anglimp South Waghi, Jiwaka Province, was established in January 2022. The idea to start this school was initiated by a small PIKUS Community back in 2019 with their leader Mr Peter Gene and the Mengemp community chairman Mr Peter Maltu. Mr Gene had decided to give his customary land to the local community to build a primary school by 2022.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Feature Story of Abel from East New Britain Province in PNG

Abel Rudolf is a third year student majoring in PNG Studies and International Relations at Divine Word University, Papua New Guinea (PNG). His story is one of true resilience. From being a poor performing student to excelling in school, from living in impoverished conditions to making it in life through determination and self belief. Abel’s story is moving.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Challenges of A Young Woman in University Leadership in PNG

Phillie Julai is the Student Representative Council President at Divine Word University in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. Phillie shares some of the challenges she has faced serving in her role.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Shannon's Story from the Solomon Islands 🇸🇧

Hello! My name is Shannon Sogavare and I'm from Solomon Islands (Choiseul & Malaita Province) I'm 16 years old and currently studying in Betikama Adventist College doing my grade 11.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

A semester in Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬

In July 2019, I embarked on a life changing adventure. It sounds cliché, hyperbolic, but I mean it. Sitting at the Adelaide Airport, waiting for my flight to Port Moresby (POM) via Brisbane, I started to panic. What was I doing? I knew almost nothing about the country I was about to spend 6 months in. I had only recently learned that Papua New Guinea was Australian territory until 1975. What was the food like, the weather, the people?

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Kia Orana from the Cook Islands 🇨🇰

I was born and raised in Brisbane, Australia. We lived in a suburb called Springwood. A very friendly neighbourhood, close to the schools I attended. I was very fortunate growing up, I had hard-working parents that provided a very comfortable lifestyle for us. We were lucky to be able to travel quite often and visit our Island home Rarotonga once a year.

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Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc

Welcome to the Pacific-Australia Youth Association

Welcome, Welkam, Halo Oloketa, Noa'ia, Mauri, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Tālofa, Kia orana, Mālō e lelei, Mālō nī, Talofa lava, Tēnā koutou katoa, Bienvenue, Maeva.

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