Our Organisation

Following the Corporate Governance Review 2023, the governance of the Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc. has changed in several ways. Previously, our Management Committee consisted of two Co-Directors and five Managers who worked together to select the strategic direction of the organisation, run programs, and initiatives, organise events and engage with stakeholders.

Now, we have divested our Management Committee into two separate bodies - the Board, elected by members at an Annual General Meeting, who oversee the strategic long-term vision and planning for the Association and provide oversight and accountability for the Executive, who handle the everyday planning, organisation, and management of the Association’s initiatives and resources. The Co-Chief Executive Officers, sitting both on the Board and leading the Executive, serve as the bridge between these two bodies, as shown in the chart below.

Click the following links to learn about our current Board and Executive.

Responsible governance enables PAYA to achieve its mission and maximise outcomes for youth in the region.

The Pacific Australia Youth Association Inc. is a registered incorporated association within the State of Queensland, per the Associations Incorporation Act 1981. The Association is also an Australian registered body with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (‘ASIC’), allowing us to trade and conduct activities outside of our state of registration. As an incorporated association, we have a current register of all members who receive the annual report and financial report on an annual basis. For any governance questions regarding PAYA Inc, please contact us.