Building a Sustainable Future: PAYA and Greenergy Pacific Sign MoU

On Saturday, August 31st, the Coral Sea Resort in Honiara, Solomon Islands, became the backdrop for a significant milestone in the Pacific's journey toward climate resilience and youth empowerment. The Pacific-Australia Youth Association Inc. (PAYA) and Greenergy Pacific came together to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), marking the beginning of a collaborative effort to support climate-smart initiatives and empower youth across the Solomon Islands and the broader Pacific region.

Greenergy Pacific, a visionary organisation founded by Ms Sharon Inone dedicated to building Climate Smart Villages (CSVs) in the Solomon Islands and the Pacific, has long been committed to serving and saving our people and islands through innovative climate mitigation and adaptation solutions. This partnership with PAYA reflects the shared values and commitment of both organisations to foster a sustainable and resilient future for the region's youth.

The MoU was signed on behalf of PAYA by Mrs Gladys Bartlett and on behalf of Greenergy Pacific by its Founder and CEO, Ms Sharon Inone. The agreement sets the stage for cooperation between the two organisations, focusing on mutual support, collaboration on events and initiatives, and the sharing of resources and knowledge. Although the agreement is not legally binding, it is built on a foundation of goodwill and shared goals, with both PAYA and Greenergy Pacific dedicated to working together in pursuit of their common objectives.

A Monumental Milestone for PAYA

This MoU represents a significant achievement for PAYA. It is only the second MoU that our organisation has signed, and the first with a partner in the Solomon Islands. It is a testament to our unwavering dedication to supporting the youth of the Solomon Islands and helping them build a more sustainable and resilient future.

We are incredibly grateful to the PAYA members who travelled to Coral Sea Resort to witness this special signing ceremony. Your presence was a powerful reminder of our collective commitment to this cause and the importance of the work we do.

Together for Our Future

The signing of this MoU is an exciting step forward in PAYA’s continued efforts to support youth in the Solomon Islands. It is a confirmation of the shared vision and mission of PAYA and Greenergy Pacific. By working together, we can create lasting change and ensure that the youth of the Solomon Islands and the broader Pacific region have the tools, resources, and support they need to lead the way in building a sustainable future.


PAYA's First-Ever MoU — A New Chapter in Pacific Youth Empowerment