Challenges of A Young Woman in University Leadership in PNG

Phillie Julai is the Student Representative Council President at Divine Word University in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. Phillie shares some of the challenges she has faced serving in her role.

The day I got elected as the Student Representative Council (SRC) President was the beginning of a whole new experience as a woman student leader in the university.

The reason I stood for the SRC Presidency was because of the young women that are behind me and to extend the boundary of the prominent women leaders who have gone after me. It is very surprising that even though we are intellectuals in the university, some students cannot accept the fact that women are leading. I receive a lot of social media criticism which has really affected me, to the point of crying almost every night. Knowing myself as a soft hearted person I don’t retaliate on what others say about me but I gracefully accept the challenges and move forward.

Being part of SRC takes a lot of discipline and commitment to serve the interest of the students and the university. I am challenged at most times by staff members on how my leadership role is and having so much expectations from a young leader.

Being a female leader in the university is very challenging where at most occasions I tried to control my emotions in situations that I cannot take it in. I get very tired at the end of the day and spend less time with my studies which is one area I am looking into improving every day.

Despite these challenges, I embrace where I am and continue to keep my head up high. The role itself has taught me to be a good listener and make critical decisions, accept rebukes and understand the views and opinions of others. I make a lot of sacrifices such as staying the whole night with a student patient at the university clinic, taking on the role for my committees who are absent in the event organized by SRC, and using my own personal income for SRC events.

Despite the sacrifices I make there are my colleagues who are always there to give a hand to help, there are students who are always helpful and I am grateful for them. I am learning and I thank God for giving me this challenge as the SRC President for I trust him in this journey I am going through. My journey is half way through the year 2021 and I keep moving forward.


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